Title: Unnie's Friends Fandom: SNSD/f(x) Pairing: KrysFany/TiStal Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Smut.. and for the sake of fanfiction, Tiffany's name in this is Stephanie. Genre: Smut... A/N: At the bottom, as per usual. Summary: Krystal is used to Jessica bringing friends over - but Stephanie is different.
Title: Bad Girl Fandom: f(Generation) or snsd(x) Pairing: TiStal/KryFany Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Smut, cigarettes Length: More of a drabble Written for: otf09 for kpopvalentines A/N: I just realizes how much Tiffany I had written.. Summary: Krystal is a bad girl, I don't know about Tiffany, though.
drapetomania ~1,255 w, pg-13, jessica-centric drapetomania; an overwhelming urge to run away. ft. kim jaejoong, kim jonghyun, hwang tiffany, jung krystal, & lee onew.
The following were either written for challenges at kpopficsmeme or posted at kpopficsmeme (so, yes, they're old).
seven-hundred and twenty-six words. going through the motions f(x) (and snsd), krystal-centric, sexuality/growth, victoria, amber, sulli, jessica. I used all five prompts here~
title: what amber liu thinks of jessica jung pairing: amber/jessica rating: pg-13 length: 1900w summary: amber, jessica, krystal, victoria, so nyuh shi dae, and f(x).
Title: Of Oppas, Unnis and Dongsaengs Author: skullchi Genre: * General Length: * Chaptered (3) Rating: PG-13/ Semi- R Pairing/Focus: Krystal/Jessica, Krystal/Jonghyun Summary: Krystal has a tendency to see the world a little differently than what it is.